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  • Aviagen Best Practice on the Farm: Water Chlorination During Production

    Water disinfection during production is an integral part of a good flock management program. Controlling bacterial contamination and biofilm formation in the drinking system is key to reducing bird exposure to harmful organisms and minimizing the spread of disease. If allowe… Read more

  • Poster: Sustainable Broiler Production

    When compared to 2003, the 2018 broiler has improved in the areas of energy use, global warming potential, pollution potential,and water and land use. The modern broiler is also more biologically efficient, with improved FCR and yield. Read more

  • Aviagen Brief: Gut Health in Poultry UPDATE

    A healthy gut is essential for the efficient conversion of feed into its basic components for optimal nutrient absorption. If gut health is compromised, digestion and nutrient absorption will be affected, and bird health, performance and welfare compromised. Read more

  • Ross Note: Gut Health in Poultry UPDATE

    A healthy gut is essential for the efficient conversion of feed into its basic components for optimal nutrient absorption. If gut health is compromised, digestion and nutrient absorption will be affected, and bird health, performance and welfare compromised. Read more

  • Ross Note: Feed Sanitation

    The purpose of this document is to review the heat treatment of poultry feeds in terms of the specifications required to ensure decontamination and the types of equipment that can be successfully employed. Read more

  • Aviagen Brief: Feed Sanitation

    The purpose of this document is to review the heat treatment of poultry feeds in terms of the specifications required to ensure decontamination and the types of equipment that can be successfully employed. Read more

  • Aviagen Brief: Evaluating Comparative Broiler Performance through Trials

    Carefully planned broiler trials will allow the customer to clearly evaluate the effect of the treatment, be that breed, feed, management procedure or environmental factor, and provide valuable information on product performance. Trial protocols must be designed with a clear… Read more

  • Ranger Classic Parent Stock Nutrition Specifications

    This booklet contains the nutritional recommendations for Ranger Classic parent stock and is to be used with the Parent Stock Management Handbook supplied by Aviagen and the Ranger Classic Parent Stock Performance Objectives. Read more

  • Ranger Gold Parent Stock Nutrition Specifications

    This booklet contains the nutritional recommendations for Ranger Gold parent stock and is to be used with the Parent Stock Management Handbook supplied by Aviagen and the Ranger Gold Parent Stock Performance Objectives. Read more

  • Aviagen Best Practice on the Farm: Fly Control

    Flies pose a health risk for humans and poultry. They are carriers of Salmonella, Pasteurella, Campylobacter and E.coli, which can have a negative impact on poultry flocks and farm personnel. The speed of fly reproduction can vary depending on environmental conditions such a… Read more


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D: Barcelona, ​​España

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